Saturday, April 4, 2009

WE STAYED UP TILL 3:00am last night and I'm really hyper!!! I will put up pictures from the sleepover in a little bit. We have watched a lot of movies and eaten lots of popcorn. Today I will be leaving Amanda's house when ever I feel like it. But it has been a really fun sleepover. Right now Olivia is talking to me right now, she wants us to go out side and now she wants to type her name. hmmmm.......


Good job Olivia!! and she also wanted to type DPdp after it I guess.

Well I should go when the pictures load I will upload them.


Stephanie said...

Hi louisa! Amanda had a great idea! She said that we should all get together at her house this summer! That would be like so much fun!
Today I went to play basketball! that was fun too!

Anonymous said...

You may want braces, Louisa but at least you can eat popcorn.
