Tuesday, March 10, 2009


OK, this is just going to be a quick post. Anyways, Stephanie we should definitely get together. To the people who asked, yes, I made the hats that Donna and Stella have on in the picture. I have a business making hats for people and -believe it or not- people actually pay money for them. Well let me see what else has been going on, well northern Minnesota is in the middle of a snow storm it's a big blizzard; and it feels like I'm never going to be able to dig my way out of my house. Ha Ha so maybe it's not quite that bad but still it's a bad storm. On Thursday My family and I are going down to my brother Jeremy's school to a carnival, and that will be FUN. So I can't wait till then. Before anyone asks where Jeremy goes to school I'm going to put a link up, and this is where he goes. http://www.echocharter.com/ So if you want to know where he goes there's the web address. Well got to go for now, and I'll try to get on later today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Louisa!
We didn't have school today or yesterday!
Well Lucky you, you can still have school!..lol..
So where is Jeremy's School? I saw he is in the chess club and knowledge bowl.
How is your new baby sister?