Monday, March 30, 2009

Bowling With LYS

Sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days. Yesterday the church youth group went bowling and then we went to Dairy Queen for a quick meeting. Laura V. took pictures for me and when she first got my camera it was on video so I have I video of Briley S. getting a gutter ball. Ha! Ha!

This picture is of Whitney N. Bowling.

I have A bunch more pictures but i don't know if I want to take the time to upload them.


OK I guess I will put some more pictures up.

Waiting for them to load........

That one is also of Whitney. I will out more up later.


Stephanie---BFF said...

I would love to go bowling! I haven't went since like 6th grade! it looks like you had lots of fun!

Louisa said...

Well next time our youth group goes if I remember I'll invite you to come along. It probably won't be till next winter tho.