Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm a good liar

Sorry to all my readers who felt bad for me but I lied. Well not really I never said what had happened I just put up a picture of me on crutches and a skate board but I knew it looked bad so anyways sorry. I think Madeline saw through my plan and so that's why she commented on my flip-flops. And Iraina is a sweet charming little snot who I told about my stupid little joke and she couldn't resist being herself. I'm just kidding about the snot part though. Stephanie my awesome friend who cares about me was the one deceived so I'm sorry Steph. Oh and the crutches I got at a thrift store mwahhahahahaha. Well I should go now I'm chatting with Iraina and being really bad at replying to her right away so more later.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Yup! You're right, I am just an awesome friend! LOL
Guess what?!?!?!?!? we only have 14 days left of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!